PFL - significado y definición. Qué es PFL
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Qué (quién) es PFL - definición

Professional Football League; PFL (disambiguation); Pfl

1. <language> A concurrent extension of ML by Holmstrom and Matthews, using CCS. ["PFL: A Functional Language for Parallel Programming", S. Holmstrom in Proc Declarative Language Workshop, London 1983]. 2. <language, database> Persistent Functional Language.
People-first language         
Person-first terminology; Person-first language; Person-centred language; People first language
People-first language (PFL), also called person-first language, is a type of linguistic prescription which puts a person before a diagnosis, describing what condition a person "has" rather than asserting what a person "is". It is intended to avoid marginalization or dehumanization (either consciously or subconsciously) when discussing people with a chronic illness or disability.
Cup of Ukrainian PFL 2009 (winter)         
Cup of Ukrainian PFL 2009
The Cup of Ukrainian PFL 2009 is the first season of Professional Football League of Ukraine knockout competition, currently known as Cup of PFL or Kubok of PFL.



PFL may refer to:

Ejemplos de uso de PFL
1. "There is no more room for the PT in Brazil‘s political system," said Cesar Borges, a PFL senator.
2. Losing to the PMDB would be less damaging than defeat by an opposition candidate from the centrist PSDB or right–of–centre PFL.
3. "Lula and the PT have surpassed all limits," Congressman Jose Carlos Aleluia of the Liberal Front Party (PFL) was quoted by Reuters as saying on the party website.
4. But we suspect these government contracts may have been a front for pure and simple corruption," said Jos é Agripino, another PFL senator.
5. "The magazine is a pamphlet for the PSDB (Social Democrats) and the PFL," PT President Ricardo Berzoini was quoted as saying by Reuters.